Welcome to Berkshire Black Business, a space to encourage motivate and inspire each other.
I hope you can join me in making Berkshire Black Business a reality.
The aim is to meet to encourage, motivate and inspire each other. Each meet up will involve food, drink and chat alongside a guest speaker or two. We can also connect online in this networking space.
If you are an entrepreneur, a professional, a creative, a business owner… and you would like to connect to be encouraged, motivated and inspired then come along to our first meet up and ask for what you want. Don’t forget to bring your business cards with you.
Join me at our launch event in Reading on 7th November. This can only happen with your participation and feedback – your voice matters.
Date: Thursday 7th November
Venue: Bills Restaurant, Reading
Time: Room booked for 8pm
Please reply to info@berkshireblackbusiness.co.uk to confirm your attendance on 7th November. I look forward to spending the evening with you as we encourage, motivate and inspire each other
* You can check out their menu here and decide what you would like to eat and drink so than you can set your budget beforehand.
* Different venues and catering arrangements will be possible as we become more established.
* Please invite any individual or group you think might be interested.
* I am looking forward to our time together info@berkshireblackbusiness.co.uk
Source: New feed