Self Employment – What is it really like? 3rd October 2018


Ever considered becoming an entrepreneur? Where could you start if you wanted to set up your own business? Would you like to meet local entrepreneurs and self-employed people to discover simple and achievable steps you can take in exploring this option for yourself.

We will have an expert panel from different industries. Join panel organiser Keith Seville who has just released his book ‘Mine Your Business: A Unique Journey of Self-Employment.’ Keith has run several businesses for more than 30 years. The panel will include members of Berkshire Black Business alongside founder Shirley Anstis who runs a successful counselling and writing practice. We’re working on a couple special guest speakers too.

This is an opportunity to find out more about how you can take small steps towards self-employment, build your network, find potential fans and customers. Is there a better way to celebrate black history month? The evening will be free of charge but your learning will be precious.

10 Strategies for reducing stress and improving wellbeing


Click here for tickets now

Being hard working and successful we are constantly overwhelmed with different choices. Neither our businesses nor our lives will benefit if we are exhausted and unwell.

How do you make the right choices for your business and your life?

How do you reduce your stress levels and improve your wellbeing?

Book here now

When you thrive so will your business.
Discover strategies to be healthier, happier and be more successful.
Practise techniques that will save you time and are easy to do.
You will experience a relaxed and inspiring atmosphere that helps you take back control of your life today.

Shirley Anstis has been a counsellor for 9 years, working with adults and young people. She is also the author of the wellbeing book ‘An A-Z for your life, discovering and revealing who you are today’.
Don’t miss out. Book your place now to gain insight and make new connections.

How to build your brand and connections online, Tuesday 15th March, 7.30pm

This is a rare opportunity to hear award winning beauty therapist and blogger Joyce Connor of Brides and Beauty share her business and social media insights.



With 8OOO twitter followers Joyce has earned her knowledge and will be sharing tips and insights to help you.

Find out more and book here